Consumer Education

Consumer Education

Making informed choices

The Consumer Education Programme of the Consumer Protection Office aims to upgrade the level of consumer consciousness throughout the Free State Province.  Consumers are provided with an easy access to information which can assist them in making informed choices, and taking appropriate action where necessary, in their own interests, and that of society.

In providing consumer education, the division employs numerous strategies, ranging from face to face contacts, to widespread usage of the print and electronic media. Activities also include the distribution of printed matters on topics of consumer interest, and working with the public and private sectors to ensure relevant consumer information is presented to the community of the Free State Province.


Members of the public can access information by turning into SABC’s Lesedi FM as well as the Community Radio stations in the Province on announced dates. These are informative programmes which highlight and provide advice on everyday consumer related matters.


Articles on a wide variety of consumer issues are published periodically in the local newspapers.

Printed material

Information brochures which cover issues such as Consumer Protector, Consumer Rights, How to lodge a complaint, labelling, Financial Services, National Credit Act, Food Safety and Security, Electricity Saving, The Environment and many more, are distributed to the consuming pubic upon request or at Information Sharing / Exhibition Sessions and MEC’s Road Shows.

Outreach programmes

The unit conducts a series of Consumer Educating Exhibitions, Sessions, Seminars and workshops targeted at all levels of society and varying age groups, including the school population. They are designed to create and sustain consumer awareness and promote the development of consumer interest groups, buyers clubs and the principles of the group lobbying.